UK Coal Mining Accidents and Deaths 1900-1991 (1500-1899 coming shortly)

This database was compiled from data supplied mainly by Ian Winstanley, with additions from Ray Lawrence, NMRS Records and others


This work stands as a testament to the men, women and children who worked the mines of Great Britain and to their families.
The work created a bond of trust and loyalty amongst them and a band of comradeship that forged the communities in which they lived and worked. It is a record of the true price of coal.
Ian Winstanley 2023

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SurnameForenameYearAgeMine/Quarry NameLocationOccupationRecord ID
WILMENT Sydney 1914 44 Abercynon Abercynon Collier 84825
WILMENT Sydney 1914 44 Dowlais Cardiff Abercynon Collier 84826
WILLSHAW John (injured) 1915 37 Ashton's Field Little Hulton Collier 84824
WILLSBY Brian Ashley (injured) 1955 19 Gresford Wrexham Trainee 84823
WILLS A. (injured) 1940 46 Ravenhead St Helens Collier 84808
WILLS Alfred 1932 Glyn Tillery (Old) Hafodyrynys 84809
WILLS Dennis 1955 18 Ravenhead St Helens Haulage Hand 84810
WILLS F.S. 1934 28 International Blaengarw Collier 84811
WILLS Frederick J. (injured) 1934 17 Williams Drift Assistant Repairer 84812
WILLS Hugh (injured) 1933 36 Grag Quarry Labourer 84813
WILLS J. 1934 31 Murton Murton Scalloper 84814
WILLS John Joseph (injured) 1932 28 Bodfari Quarry Bodfari Filler 84815
WILLS N. (injured) 1959 44 Ravenhead St Helens Ripper 84816
WILLS Richard 1911 22 South Crofty Camborne Miner 84817
WILLS Thomas 1914 41 Dolcoath Camborne Miner 84818
WILLS William 1911 45 St Helens, Deep Pit St Helens Collier 84819
WILLS William Henry (injured) 1947 37 Aberpergwm Glyn-neath Collier 84820
WILLS William John 1952 27 Tirpentwys Pantygasseg Rider 84821
WILLS William Thomas (injured) 1929 28 Bodfari Quarry Bodfari Collier 84822
WILLOWS H.B. (injured) 1953 32 Penrikyber Penrhiwceiber Collier 84807
WILLOUGHBY J.W. 1928 35 Harton South Shields Bank Hand 84802
WILLOUGHBY J.W. 1933 35 Harton South Shields Bank Hand 84803
WILLOUGHBY John 1913 63 Park (c) Cwmparc Oiler 84804
WILLOUGHBY K. (Injured) 1985 54 Hem Heath Trentham Faceworker 84805
WILLOUGHBY Thomas 1928 51 Westwood. Collier 84806