We are a group of people dedicated to the preservation and recording of mining history, Northern referring to our administrative base rather than our field of interest. We started as the Northern Cavern & Mine Research Society in 1960, but our members’ increasing interest in mining led us to change the original name to the present title in 1975.


We have established a reputable publishing house, utilized by many interested in mining history, archaeology, geology, social and family history etc. Many of our publications are still available, but for those out of print we offer some in PDF format, and in some cases have some good pre-owned copies available.

Many institutions benefit from our subscription service and we provide generous trade terms.


Our website is not just for our members, although new members are always welcome, but for anyone who shares our interests. There is a great deal of searchable information freely available, including our mining pages.

Our Facebook page not only informs of our activities but of others with similar interests.


2024Coal MiningPublications
June 6, 2024

Latest monograph published

British Mining No. 117 - Cliviger Coal Mines by Jack Nadin The Cliviger area of Lancashire lies between Burnley in the north and Cornforth, near Todmorden in the south and comprises the Upper Valley of the River Calder. Mines exist on either side of the valley taking coal from the Arley,…
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2024Coal Mining
January 14, 2024

Plans of collieries

We have been sent a number of coal mine plans for the website by Lee Reynolds who copies these from the originals. These plans are presented using an app which allows you to zoom in/out with your scroll wheel and drag by holding down your mouse's left button and moving…
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2023Coal MiningMetal MiningQuarries
December 5, 2023

Database of Mining Deaths & Injuries

After a long time in preparation, the first part of our database on UK mining deaths and injuries is now available covering the years 1900-1991. The data, supplied mainly by Ian Winstanley with additions by Ray Lawrence, NMRS records and others runs to 86,701 records and is fully searchable. The…
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