Northern Mine Research Society
Registered Charity 326704
Online mapping of the British Isles
The databases behind this mapping began life as a paper index of sites in the Northern Cavern & Mine Research Society Records in the early 1960s. It was digitised, in dBASE III format, in the late 1980s and is now held in Access and contains a wide range of information. The Northern Mine Research Society is pleased to make this valuable tool freely available to anyone interested in mining history.

Please note that sites are recorded as point data, but it must be remembered that some occupied larger areas.

Mike Gill - NMRS Recorder

No project like this can be completed without help from a wide range of individuals, and over fifty years many people have contributed data, much of it from NMRS publications. Nevertheless, I would like to thank the following: J. Ambler, G. Brooks, Dr I.J. Brown, P. Deakin, T. Knapp, H.M. Martell, Dr P. Murphy, D. Poyner, K. Ramsay, M.J. Shaw, I. Spensley, M. Street, L.O. Tyson, Dr R. Vernon

Especial thanks are due to: Matthew Town and Damien Ronan, of Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd, for converting files for use with Google Earth.

The project was also supported by a NMRS Grant towards the cost of data gathering.

The maps are offered in both 2D format using Google Maps and 3D format; however you must have Google Earth installed on your computer to use this. The Google Earth files are slower to load and run than the 2D maps version, however both contain the same data. Point to and click on a marker to see details of that site.

The online mapping is divided into the following subjects: Please note that sites are recorded as point data, but it must be remembered that some occupied large areas and may be associated with other industries. The data is based on that collected by NMRS and is probably not complete - if you know of any errors or ommissions please contact us and we will see that they are added to the next release.

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