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Barr & Higgins Ltd
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29 April 1935: Miners Trapped in Flooded Pit – Two Men Missing - Two men were overwhelmed in a sudden inrush of water which flooded part of Messrs. Barr and Higgins's Woodhall colliery at Calderbank; near Airdrie, Lanarkshire, late on Monday night and are believed to be drowned. They are David Wilson, of Newarthill, and George Chambers, of Calderbank. Both were married men, and Wilson had a family of three, and Chambers a family of five. Eleven other men were working in the section about 1,000ft. below the surface and about a mile from the pit shaft when a torrent of water swept down on them, carrying pit props, and other material with it. Most of the men struggled to an old shaft half a mile away and were brought to the surface, but Wilson and Chambers were missing. Prompt measures were taken to warn men in all other sections of the pit, on which work was completely suspended. Attempts were made to reach the missing men, but the water rose so rapidly that rescue operations became dangerous and difficult. Pumps were kept working constantly to reduce the level of the water, and a rescue brigade was ready to descend as soon as the water became low enough. William Laughlin, of Calderbank, who escaped from the pit, was, struck by the torrent and had to swim to safety. John Paul, of Newarthill, who was working with Wilson, said that another miner rushed to them and told them to get away. Paul ran for his jacket, and when he returned there was no sign of Wilson. He believed that Wilson had stopped to help Chambers out and had been trapped by the inrushing water. [The Times 1 May 1935] Colliery Officials Acquitted - Two officials of a Lanarkshire colliery were acquitted at Airdrie Sheriff Court on Monday when charged under the Coal Mines Act, 1911, as a result of a flooding accident at Woodhall Colliery, Calderbank, Lanarkshire, in April last year in which two men were drowned. A verdict of Not Guilty was returned in a trial which has proceeded at intervals over a period of six months. The men acquitted were James Mitchell Buchanan, colliery agent, of Crogal Glen, Calderbank, and Henry Smith Mood, colliery manager, of Firview, Calderbank, charged with neglect of statutory duties under the Act. Sheriff Guild found that knowledge of accumulation of water was essential, and that reports by two foremen were that conditions were safe. Another foreman reported the presence of water once, but afterwards until the date of the accident reported conditions safe. Complaints by workmen did not reach the management, and the conditions had been reported safe. [The Times 24 June 1936] NB George Chalmers age 40 and David Wilson, age 46 were found dead on May 3 1935