Emile Warnier died in July, 1912, at the age of 47 years.

He was educated as a mining and metallurgical engineer at the University of Liege, where he obtained his diploma in 1888. From 1889 to 1890 he was engaged as metallurgical engineer at the Humbold Works at Kalk, Cologne, and thence to 1893 was metallurgical engineer to the Société Anonyme Espérance Longdoz, Liege.

From 1893 onwards he was established as a consulting mining engineer in Belgium, during which period he acted for many of the principal mining and metallurgical firms in that country. For six year she had the entire control of the mines belonging to the Société Anonyme La Nouvelle, Engès, and he also visited and reported on mines, and studied metallurgical conditions in nearly all the countries of Europe, in North Africa and in the Argentine Republic.

Mr. Warnier was elected a Member of the Institution in 1908.

Vol. 22, Trans IMM 1912-13, p.722

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