Ernest Rex Pollard was killed in a motor accident on 24 February. 1966. He was 43 years of age.

Mr. Pollard enrolled as a student of geology at King’s College, University of Durham, in 1939, but his studies were interrupted by the second world war. He returned to Durham in 1946 and gained the degree of B.Sc. (Hons.) in geology in 1949.

At the end of that year he was appointed geologist with the Colonial Geological Survey in British Guiana and from 1950 to 1951 was district geologist of the Mazaruni-Potaro area. During this period he carried out systematic geological and topographical mapping on the Cuyuni, Mazaruni and Potaro Rivers.

In 1956 he became senior mining geologist with Martin. Sykes and Associates, Caracas, and for the next seven years carried out A consulting work on gold, diamond and bauxite deposits in various countries in South America.

After residing in Austria for a short period he joined Selection Trust Exploration, Ltd., in 1964, working first in Mali and later in Brazil.

Mr. Pollard was elected to Associate Membership of the Institution in 1956. He was the author of a number of technical papers.

Vol. 75, Trans I.M.M., 1966, p.76

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