Frederick Worthen Bradley died in San Francisco, California, on July 6th, 1933, at the age of 70.

He graduated at the College of Mining, California University, in 1884, and for six years worked on mines in Nevada. In 1890 he was appointed assistant manager of the Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & Concentrating Co., Idaho, and became manager in 1893, and president in 1897, a position which he held until his death 36 years later.

In 1900 he was also appointed president of the Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Co., Alaska, and held that position for 33 years. In addition he was president of the Tacoma, Smelting Co., the Oneida Gold Mining Co., the Oroville Gold Dredging & Exploration Co. and many others in various States of the Union.

After his death, the directors of the Bunker Hill & Sullivan and the Alaska Juneau companies severally passed resolutions expressing their appreciation of Mr. Bradley, which were printed and circulated to all the societies and organizations with which he had been connected.

Mr. Bradley was elected a Member of the Institution in 1920.

Vol. 43, Trans I.M.M. 1933-34, pp. 759-60

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