RECORDS - Scotland
- Bainbridge, J.W. "A Nineteenth-Century Copper Working: Tomnadshan, Lochtayside". Industrial Archaeology, Vol.7 No.1 (1970), pp.60-74. Plates pp.20-21.
- Downs-Rose, G. and Harvey, W.S. "Water-bucket Pumps and the the Wanlockhead Engine. Industrial Archaeology, Vol.10 No.2 (19 ), pp.129-147. Plates pp.225-227.
- Duckham, B.F. "Mining Technology at a West of Scotland Colliery 1770-1800: a case study"
- Industrial Archaeology, Vol.10 No.2 (19 ), pp.21-39.
- Duckham, B.F. "Some Eighteenth-Century Scottish Coal Mining Methods: the 'Dissertation' of Sir John Clerk" Industrial Archaeology, , pp.217-232. Plates p.249.
- Harvey, W.S. "Irish Dimensions at the Mining Village of Leadhills" undated notes.
- Harvey, W.S. "The strike at Leadhills mines, 1836" The Local Historian, Vol.17 No.2 (May 1986), pp.101-106.
- Harvey, W.S. "Lead Mining in 1768: Old Records of a Scottish Mining Company" Industrial Archaeology, , pp.310-318. Plates pp.271-2.
- Bowman, A.I. "Culross Colliery: a Sixteenth-Century Mine" Industrial Archaeology pp.353-372. Plates p.401.
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