British Mining No 98 – Memoirs 2014
- Excavation of an early lead smelting site at Hagg Farm, Fremington, Swaledale (Richard Smith, Timothy Laurie, Alan Mills & Rob Vernon)
- Warwickshire coal mining (Nigel A. Chapman)
- East Pant du lead mine (Tony King)
- Some major limestone workings in the West Riding of Yorkshire (John Goodchild)
- Notes on opencast coal workings in the West Riding coalfield before 1941 (John Goodchild)
- Victoria Engine, Blakethwaite Mine, Gunnerside (Mike Gill)
- Horse whims and gins, a study (Mike Gill, Tom Knapp & Peter Gallagher)
- The enigma of the origins of the London Lead Company mining activities in Teesdale, County Durham (William Heyes)
A5 112pp
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