British Mining No 88 – Memoirs 2009
- The Rothwell Haigh Collieries near Leeds: additional notes on their development, technology and social connotations (John Goodchild)
- Mr Pope’s pots and the rapid smelting of Lake District copper and lead ores – 1579-83 (Richard Smith)
- The Inverness Gold (RM Callender)
- Tracing the traces (RM Callender)
- The Dyliffe and Dyngwm Mines, Powys, Wales-a revision of lode geometry and the significance of lode interference with pre-existing joints (David M James)
- Women’s place in lead mining at Grassington Yorkshire (Mike Gill)
- Onshore oil and gasfields in the UK (Mike Gill)
- The ‘Iron Man’ coal cutter (Mike Gill)
- The East Cumberland Coalfield (Graham Brooks)
A5 140pp
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