Malham Smelt Mill Chimney – Copyright © NMRS Records
Malham – SD 883661
This was a small mill, probably with a single ore-hearth and a slag-hearth, which served mines on Pikedaw and Malham Moors. According to Dr Raistrick, it was built by Lord Ribblesdale c1815, but lead ore from Malham was also smelted at Grassington between 1747 and 1840.
The chimney served the mill now thought to have been built by the Malham Mining Co. around 1840. It probably had a very short life; the mill may have worked to around 1875.
Malham Calamine Old Mill
Malham – SD 874640
After 1787, the Pikedaw mines also produced significant amounts of calamine, which was roasted before being sold to brass manufacturers. The first such furnace was built 350 metres south-west of Twin Bottom Scar, around 1787.
Malham Calamine New Mill
Malham – SD 900630
This was built at the head of Malham village, around 1800, to replace the Old Calamine House near the mines. A new furnace was built in 1812.
Further information and references can be found in:
- Gill, M.C. Yorkshire Smelting Mills Part 2,Northern Mine Research Society Memoirs 1993, British Mining No 48, pp 132-151