Allen Old Mill – NY82795688
This early mill stood 350 metres downstream of Allenmill Bridge, but nothing is known of its history.
Further information and references can be found in:
- Fairbairn. R.A. (1996) The Weardale Mines (British Mining No.56)
Allen Mill – NY83155658

Chimneys at the end of Allen Mill flue
Copyright © Mike Quinn and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence
Built by the Bacon family in the 17th century, this mill was owned by Sir William Blackett by 1766. By 1821 its two roasting furnaces, five ore-hearths, two refining furnaces and one reducing furnace were smelting 2000 tons of ore annually.
In order to improve the recovery of lead fume and the disposal of sulphurous fumes two tall chimneys near the mill were abandoned and two flues were built, one around 1807 and the other in 1853. The first had a chimney at Cleugh Head, but the 1853 flue ran from the mill to two chimneys on Flow Moss, 3.45 km away. The 1807 was extended to the same point.
When Thomas Bewick recorded the mill’s layout in 1847 it had two calcining furnaces, six roasting furnaces, nine ore-hearths, two reverberatory furnaces, one reducing furnace, four refining furnaces, one slag hearth and a separating house with 18 Pattinson pots.
In its later years, Allen Mill was served by its own branch of the Hexham and Allendale Railway. Nevertheless, faced with falling output from the Allendale mines, the mill was closed at the end of 1896. The whole of the plant and materials at the mines and mills was sold by auction in 1899.
Further information and references can be found in:
- Fairbairn. R.A. (1996) The Weardale Mines (British Mining No.56)
- Fairbairn. R.A. (1999) “Allendale Mill Flues and chimney” British Mining No.63, pp.141-146