Trecynon, Cynon Valley (009045)

A pit was sunk to the Four-Feet seam in 1849 by John Thomas. It was possibly deepened at a later date as geological records show it to be 177.52 metres deep to the Gellideg seam. By 1867 it was in the hands of Samuel Thomas and in 1878 it was managed by E. Hayhurst. Thomas and his executors from c1882 held it until it was sold to the Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Company Limited in 1909. In 1889 it produced 72,702 tons of coal. In the 1890’s the Drain level was working the No.2 Brass seam while the drift was working both the Gellideg and No.1 Brass seams. All work was done by the pillar & stall method of coal extraction using naked lights. Ventilation was by a 7 feet long and 6 feet wide furnace at the bottom of the 6 feet diameter and 75 feet deep upcast shaft. The pit was then used for pumping out excess water only and the coal was brought from the Gellideg, Five-Feet and Seven-Feet seams by levels at a rate of 1,200 tons per week.

Originally ventilation was by a furnace that was at the bottom of the 96 feet deep upcast shaft. It was 7 feet long and 6 feet wide and produced
15,760 cubic feet of air per minute.

Served by the Taff Vale Railway, in 1897 this pit had a sidings capacity for; 23 full wagons, 61 empty wagons, and 17 other wagons, the pit was lying idle at that time. In 1907 it employed 105 men and in 1908 it employed 114 men underground and 20 men on the surface with the manager being William Eynon. In 1913 it was managed by William Eynon and employed 200 men. It was still listed in 1917, and in 1918 employed 125 men underground and 18 men on the surface, the manager was still William Eynon. It closed in 1919 when it abandoned the Garw seam. The Gorllwyn seam at this pit had a section of 46 inches. It was abandoned in December 1895.

The Two-Feet-Nine seam had a thickness of 33 inches. The Upper-Four-Feet seam was 45 inches thick. The SixFeet seam was extensively worked and had a thickness of up to 9 feet 2 inches. The Red Vein seam was 42 inches thick. The Nine-Feet seam had a total thickness of 11 feet 4 inches. The Bute seam was worked at a thickness of 56 inches. The Seven- Feet seam was worked at a thickness of 40 inches. The Gellideg seam was also 40 inches thick. The coals of this colliery were generally classed as types 202 and 203 Coking Steam Coals, low volatile, low ash, low sulphur, and weak to medium caking. They were used for steam raising in boilers for ships, locomotives etc. and for foundry and furnace cokes. On the 17 of June 1867, an explosion at this colliery killed three colliers, Jenkin Jenkins aged 45 years, M. Jones aged 43 years, and D.M. David aged 37 years.

Some statistics:

  • 1900: Manpower: 15.
  • 1901: Manpower: 38.
  • 1902: Manpower: 42.
  • 1903: Manpower: 52.
  • 1905: Manpower: 65.
  • 1907: Manpower: 105.
  • 1908: Manpower: 134.
  • 1909: Manpower: 134.
  • 1910: Manpower: 193.
  • 1912: Manpower: 221.
  • 1913: Manpower: 200.
  • 1918: Manpower: 143.


Information supplied by Ray Lawrence and used here with his permission

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