Hirwaun, Cynon Valley

This was a small level on the northern outcrop of the Coalfield that was opened around 1855 by John Calvert and worked by the Hirwaun Coal and Iron Co. In 1867 a fifteen-year-old boy was killed working in this level.

The Hirwaun Iron Works was constructed in 1757 by John Mayberry, in 1769 Mayberry was joined in partnership by John Wilkins but through financial difficulties, they were forced to sub-lease to John Wasse and William King in 1775. In 1777, John Mayberry was back in control in partnership with J. and W. Wilkins, but again this was short-lived, and in 1780 Anthony Bacon of the giant Cyfarthfa Works, took charge of the Hirwaun Works. Anthony Bacon died in 1786 and a short lease was granted to Samuel Glover. In 1799 the lease returned to the sons of Anthony Bacon, Anthony and Thomas, with Thomas selling his share to Anthony.

In 1803 the lease was taken up by Jeremiah Homfray, F.W. Bowser, Simon Oliver and Lionel Oliver, the Works now consisted of, two furnaces, two cast houses, a blast engine, a forge, a steam engine and four kilns. The Works were declared bankrupt in 1814 and lay idle until purchased by Thomas Bacon in 1816.

This bewildering array of ownership came to an end in 1820 when William Crawshay bought the works, completely renovated it and installed four new blast furnaces, an engine house, a mill house, and new calcinating ovens and used it to supply the Cyfarthfa Works.

The Hirwaun Iron Works then enjoyed a prosperous period until its closure in 1859.


Hirwaun, Cynon Valley

The No.2 Level was a small mine that was worked under license from the National Coal Board. In 1977 it became the site of opencast mining.


Information supplied by Ray Lawrence and used here with his permission.

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