HINDLEY. Wigan, Lancashire. 26th. April, 1857.

The Hindley Colliery was the property of the Kirkless Hall Company and the accident caused the deaths of nine men and boys and seriously injured several others and happened in the Yard Mine which was worked on the longwall system with naked lights.

A fall of the roof took place just before the explosion not far from the face on the intake side which liberated gas into the workings. The gas was fired and many of the men were killed by the afterdamp.

On inspecting the colliery after the disaster, the Inspector, Mr. Peter Higson, thought that the ventilation was only just adequate and recommended changes to the system and that there should be safety lamps used in the mine. As a result, the air was taken along the face and returned through the goaf to the upcast shaft and men would not travel in this road.


Information supplied by Ian Winstanley and the Coal Mining History Resource Centre.

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