Compiled by Alasdair Neill

Results: 76676

Name Location County/State Country Sources ID
Arundell Tinworks Lanivet Cornwall England Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. ix p.40-41. See also: Wheal Arundell. Reperry Mine. 721
Arvose Mine St Stephen-in-Brannel Cornwall England Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. viii p.28-29. MJ 1846 p.324, 332, 456, 457, 517, 517 MJ 1847 p.22,113, 333. MJ 1848 p.170 MJ shares listed 1846-1847 Or: Wheal Arvose. Wheal Arvose Mining Co. See also: Harvose Mine. Harvest Mine. 722
Asborne (Whl) Cornwall England MJ 1846 p.378 723
Ashburton Mine Calstock Cornwall England Dines, H.G, 1956. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England vol. II. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, HMSO. p.633. Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England addenda and corrigenda, 1988, Vol. II p.xxii. 724
Ashton Prospect Breage Cornwall England MM vol. I p.34. 725
Ashwell Linkinhorne Cornwall England Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. xv p.42. 726
Associated Mineowners Corporation Grampound Road Cornwall England MJ 1883 p.46, 78 Times 14.10.1889. See also: New Terras Mine. 727
Atlas Boring Co. Ltd Cornwall England See also: St Aubyn and Grylls Mine. Tin Valley Mine. 728
Atley (Whl) Lanivet Cornwall England Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. ix p.37-38. MJ shares listed 1853. 729
Atway (Whl) St Stephens by Launceston Cornwall England Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England addenda and corrigenda 1988, Vol. II p.xxxii. Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. xv p.61-62. See also: East Chillaton and Atway Mines. Wayy Mine. 730