Compiled by Alasdair Neill

Results: 76676

Name Location County/State Country Sources ID
Burwell Coprolites Cambridgeshire England Mineral Statistics 1886-1893. 71
Burwell Fen Coprolites Burwell Cambridgeshire England The Forty-Eighth Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods, Forests, Land Revenues 29th June 1870. Parliamentary Papers 1870 p.16-17. 72
Burwell Hay Farm Coprolites Burwell Cambridgeshire England The Forty-Third Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods, Forests, Land Revenues 3rd July 1865. Parliamentary Papers 1865 p.22-23. 73
Cherry Hinton Coprolites Cambridgeshire England Mineral Statistics 1885. 74
Coldham Lane Coprolites Cambridgeshire England Mineral Statistics 1885-1888. 75
Coton Coprolites Cambridgeshire England Mineral Statistics 1882-1888. 76
Ditton Coprolites Cambridgeshire England Mineral Statistics 1885. 77
Fen Ditton Coprolites Cambridgeshire England Mineral Statistics 1889-1893. 78
Fens Peat Charcoal Co. Ltd Cambridgeshire England Joint-Stock Companies. Return of the names, objects, places where business is or was conducted, … of all Joint Stock Companies formed or registered since the 31st day of May 1864 to the 31st day of May 1866. Parliamentary Papers 1866 p.83. National Archives: BT31/1255/3031. 79
Foxton Phosphate Mining Co. Ltd US/Canada? Cambridgeshire England National Archives: BT31/4418/28478. BT34/603/28748. Register of Defunct Companies 1990 p.193. Times 15.7.1889. 80