Compiled by Alasdair Neill

Results: 76676

Name Location County/State Country Sources ID
Alice (Whl) Redruth Cornwall England Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England addenda and corrigenda, 1988, Vol. I p.xxxviii. Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. iii p.28. Mineral Statistics 1845. MJ 1844 p.287. See also: East Tolgus Mine. Redruth Consols Mine. 641
Alice (Whl) St Erth & Lelant Cornwall England Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. i p.42. MJ 1877 p.121 642
Allen (Whl) Calstock Cornwall England Collins p.401. 643
Allen (Whl) St Ives Cornwall England Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. i p.18. See also: St Ives Wheal Allen. 644
Allen (Whl) St Pinnock Cornwall England Joint-Stock Companies. Return of Joint Stock Companies formed to be made up to June 1875. Parliamentary Papers 1875 p.95. List of Mines 1873-1874. London Gazette 1883 p.4757. 1884 p.249. MJ 1874 p.523 MJ share lists 1875 MJ shares listed 1875 National Archives: BT286/372. Or: Wheal Allen Silver Lead Mining Company Ltd. See also: Bodithiel Mine. East Jane Mine. 645
Allen (Whl) Wadebridge-Camelford Area Cornwall England MJ 1846 p.123, 208, 493. MJ 1847 p.208. MJ shares listed 1846-1848. 646
Alluvials Ltd Cornwall England The Mining Manual 1911 by Walter R. Skinner p.584. See also: Alluvials Ltd South Dakota. Breney Comon Alluvials. Helman Tor Alluvials. Tretharrwyn. 647
Alma Mine Withiel Cornwall England Collins p.403. Dines, H.G, 1956. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England vol. II. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, HMSO. p.514. Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England addenda and corrigenda, 1988, Vol. II p.ix. Joint stock companies. Returns of the names, objects, &c, of all joint stock companies formed since June 1871 to 31 May 1872 Parliamentary Papers 1872 p.48. List of Iron Mines 1870-1871. Mineral Statistics 1872. See also: Cornwall Iron Mining Company Ltd. 648
Alpha Bell-Metal, Tin, & Copper Mining Co. Ltd St Stephens Cornwall England Joint Stock Companies. Return of the numbers of Joint Stock Companies formed under the Act of last year. Parliamentary Papers 1856 p.19. Joint-Stock Companies. Report by the Registrar of Joint-Stock Companies to the Lords of The Committee of Privy Council for Trade for the year 1855. Parliamentary Papers 1856 p.4. Or: Alpha Bell-Metal Tin and Copper Mine. 649
Alsaveor (Could Be Clay Works) Roche & St Mewan Area Cornwall England Duchy of Cornwall. Account of income and expenditure, for the year 1852. Parliamentary Papers 1853 p.29. 650