Compiled by Alasdair Neill

Results: 76676

Name Location County/State Country Sources ID
Alexandra Mine St Just Cornwall England Dines, H.G, 1956. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, England and Wales. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. HMSO. vol. I p.102 Noall, C. 1973. The St Just Mining District. D. Bradford Barton, Monographs on Metalliferous Mining History Volume Five. p.81. 631
Alfred (Whl) Calstock Cornwall England List of Mines 1859-1861. List of Mines 1863-1866. 632
Alfred (Whl) Phillack Cornwall England Carne, J. 1818. On Elvan Courses. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall Vol. I p.101-102. Dines, H.G, 1956. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, England and Wales. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. HMSO. vol. . I p.143-145 Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. iv p.28. Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. v p.12, 25, 27-29. Henwood, W.J. 1871. Observations on Metalliferous Deposits. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall Vol. 8 pt. I p.112,146. MJ 1836 vol. iii Supp p.34. MJ 1837 vol. v p.96. MJ 1840 p.254. MJ 1843 p.92 MJ 1844 p.25, 33, 44, 56, 61 MJ 1845 p.312, 355, 358 MJ 1846 p.378. MJ 1847 p.553, 565, 577. MJ 1850 p.90,116 MJ 1851 p.38 MJ 1871 p.486 MJ 1872 p.96 MJ 1883 p.208 MJ 1884 p.99 Mining Review 27.1.1838 p.8. Mining Review 1838 vol. iv p.175,176. Mining Review 1840 vol. vii p.21. Records of London and Westcountry Chamber of Mines Vol. I1 1904-1908 p.34. Report from the Committee appointed to Enquire into the state of the Copper Mines and Copper Trade of this Kingdom. Parliamentary Papers 1799. p.710-712. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the condition of all mines in Great Britain to which the provision of the Act 23 & 24 Vict. cap. 151 do not apply. Parliamentary Papers 1864, HMSO Epitome of evidence p.271 Royal Institution of Cornwall Courtenay Library HJ/7/12 OS 1:2500 map Cornwall LXIX. NW (1876,1907,1938). Or: Wheal Alfred Mining Company. 633
Alfred (Whl) Perranzabuloe Cornwall England Collins p.401 Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England, Vol. I, p.491. MM vol. I p.34. Westlake & Laws, 1910. Devon & Cornwall Handbook of Mines. Plymouth, p.3. Or: Alfred Mines Ltd. See also: Wheal Leisure Copper and Blende Mine. New Wheal Leisure. 634
Alfred Consols Mine Phillack Cornwall England Collins p.401 Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England, Vol. I, p.35,140,143-146. Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England addenda and corrigenda, 1988, Vol. I p.xviii. Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. v p.15. Kelly’s Directory 1856 Cornish & Devonshire Mines. List of Mines 1859-1861. List of Mines 1863-1865. Mineral Statistics 1846-1858. MJ 1846 p.304, 494, 504. MJ 1847 p.6,18, 24, 57,138,172, 286, 382. MJ 1849 p.97 MJ 1850 p.4,17,19, 20, 28, 40, 43, 52, 64, 76, 88, 92,100,112,126,127,136,138,139,140,140,148,151,161,172,184,197, 209, 219, 233, 234, 235, 244, 256, 258, 268, 280 MJ 1851 p.3, 4, 6,16,18,18, 22, 24, 28, 31, 40, 51, 55, 64, 67, 67, 76, 88,100 MJ 1852 p.4, 4, 6, 7,16,18, 28, 28, 33, 40, 42, 52, 54, 54, 64, 76, 88 MJ 1853 p.6,19, 25, 25, 32, 45, 48, 50, 59, 62, 64, 75 MJ 1854 p.5, 8 MJ 1868 p.110 MJ 1873 p.154 MJ 1875 p.151 MJ 1877 p.185 MJ 1878 p.156 MJ 1880 p.134 MJ 1887 p.38 MJ shares listed 1846-1853. Mining & Smelting Magazine II July 1862 p.44, 55. Murchison, J.H. 1855. British Mines Considered as a Means of Investment. 3rd Edition July 1855 p.39-40. OS 6” map Cornwall 69NW Records of London and Westcountry Chamber of Mines Vol. II 1904-1908 p.34. Or: Wheal Alfred Consols. See also: East Wheal Alfred. 635
Alfred James (Whl) St Dennis Cornwall England Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England addenda and corrigenda, 1988, Vol. II p.xi. Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. viii p.56-57. List of Mines 1861. List of Mines 1863-1865. T. Spargo 1872 The Tin Mines of Cornwall, Their Present Position and Prospects. p.34. See also: Wheal Gasson. Penrose Mine. 636
Alfred James Tin & Copper Mining Co. Ltd (Whl) St Dennis Cornwall England Joint-Stock Companies (Limited). Return of the names, objects, places where business is or was conducted, and date of Registration of all Joint Stock Companies 'Limited' formed since the passing of the Act 18 & 19 Vict. c. 133. Parliamentary Papers 1863 p.4. Joint-Stock Companies (Limited). Return of all Joint Stock Companies 'Limited' newly registered, and of all such companies wound up. Parliamentary Papers 1863 p.21. Joint-Stock Companies. Return of the names, objects, places where business is or was conducted, date of Registration… of all Joint Stock Companies formed or registered since the passing of the Act 18 & 19 Vict. c. 133. 1864 Parliamentary Papers 1864 p.114. Joint-Stock Companies. Return of the Joint Stock Companies which have failed to make the Annual Return of their Members, and the Number of Shares held by each, in the last Seven Years 15th August 1876. Parliamentary Papers 1876 p.18. National Archives: BT31/614/2575. Stannaries. Return of all mines within the Stannaries of Cornwall and Devon registered as Joint Stock Companies in each year.. from the passing of the Joint Stock Companies Act (1844) to the 31st day of December 1868. Parliamentary Papers 1868-1869 p.2. 637
Alice (Whl) Cornwall England Collins p.402 638
Alice (Whl) Ladock Cornwall England Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. viii p.16 Dines, H.G, 1956. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England vol. II. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, HMSO. p.540. Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England addenda and corrigenda, 1988, Vol. II p.xii. List of Mines 1886-1887. Mineral Statistics 1888. OS 1:10560 map Cornwall 49 NE (1906). OS 1:2500 map Cornwall 49-8 (1906). 639
Alice (Whl) Lelant Cornwall England Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. i p.42. 640