Compiled by Alasdair Neill

Results: 76676

Name Location County/State Country Sources ID
St John Wood (Brick & Tile Works) Chipping Wycombe Buckinghamshire England Twenty-ninth Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods, Forests, Land Revenues, Works and Buildings 1852 Parliamentary Papers 1852 p.36-37. Thirtieth Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods, Forests, Land Revenues, 1852 Parliamentary Papers 1852 p.16-17. 61
Wooburn (Chalk Mines) Buckinghamshire England Report of H.M. Inspector of Mines for the Midland District for the Year 1888 p.39. 62
Woburn (Clay Pit) Buckinghamshire England Report of H.M. Inspector of Mines for the Midland District for the Year 1889 p.38. 63
City Oil Syndicate Ltd (Natural Gas) Buckinghamshire England London Gazette 1913 p.8416-8418. Register of Defunct Companies 1990 p.122. See also: Positive Retorts Ltd. 64
Coprolite, Phosphate Of Lime Mines, Industry (Cambridgeshire) Cambridgeshire England Foster, C. Le Neve, 1901. A Text-book of Ore and Stone Mining. 4th edn. Revised by L.H. Cooke, p.67. Mineral Statistics 1868,1874. Mineral Statistics 1882-1893. MJ 1871 p.234-235,318 MJ 1877 p.2 65
Abington Coprolites Cambridgeshire England Mineral Statistics 1882-1883. 66
Abington Pigotts Coprolites Royston Cambridgeshire England Mineral Statistics 1884-1892. 67
Barrington Coprolites Shepreth Cambridgeshire England Mineral Statistics 1882-1893. 68
Bassingbourne Coprolites Cambridgeshire England Mineral Statistics 1882-1893. 69
Bettisham Coprolites Cambridgeshire England Mineral Statistics 1889-1893. 70