Compiled by Alasdair Neill

Results: 76676

Name Location County/State Country Sources ID
Dukinfield Brick and Tile Manufacturing Co. Ltd Cheshire England Joint-Stock Companies (Limited). Return of the names, objects, places where business is or was conducted, and date of Registration of all Joint Stock Companies 'Limited' formed since the passing of the Act 18 & 19 Vict. c. 133. Parliamentary Papers 1862, p.38. Joint-Stock Companies. Return of the names, objects, places where business is or was conducted, date of Registration… of all Joint Stock Companies formed or registered since the passing of the Act 18 & 19 Vict. c. 133. 1864 Parliamentary Papers 1864, p.91. Joint-Stock Companies. Return of the Joint Stock Companies which have failed to make the Annual Return of their Members, and the Number of Shares held by each, in the last Seven Years 15th August 1876. Parliamentary Papers 1876, p.16. National Archives: BT31/537/2167. 511
Endon Quarries Bollington Cheshire England OS 1:10560 map Cheshire (1896, 1907, 1938). 512
Flaybrick Quarry Birkenhead Cheshire England MJ 1847 p. 225, 277 513
Furness Vale Fireclay Co. Cheshire England See also: Furness Clough Colliery. 514
Gag Quarry Bollington Cheshire England OS 1:10560 map Cheshire (1907, 1938). 515
Glent Quarry Stalybridge (Prev. in Lancashire) Cheshire England OS 1:10560 map Lancashire (1845). OS 1:10560 map Cheshire (1896, 1906, 1916, 1938). 516
Great Meols (Beach) Cheshire England National Archives: CRES 37/427 517
Hall Quarry Stalybridge Cheshire England OS 1:10560 map Cheshire (1872, 1896, 1906, 1938). 518
Harropedge Quarry Longdendale Cheshire England OS 1:10560 map Cheshire (1872, 1896, 1907, 1938). 519
Hartley Quarry Stalybridge Cheshire England OS 1:10560 map Cheshire (1872, 1896, 1906, 1938). 520