Compiled by Alasdair Neill

Results: 76676

Name Location County/State Country Sources ID
Wirral Colliery Neston Cheshire England List of Mines 1908. List of Mines 1918. List of Mines 1923. OS 1:2500 map Cheshire (1898, 1912, 1938, 1968). Or: Wirral Colliery Company Ltd. Wirral Colliery Company (1915) Ltd. See also: Denna Colliery. Denhalll Colliery. 471
Wirral Colliery Co Cheshire England MJ 1886 p. 53 MJ 1885 p. 74 See also: Neston Colliery. 472
Woodend Day Eye Colliery Disley, Stockport Cheshire England List of Mines ?1852, Reports of Inspectors of Coal Mines. Parliamentary Papers 1854, p.81. Mineral Statistics List of Collieries 1854-1868. 473
Woolley's Pits, Mr Dukinfield Cheshire England MJ 1845 p. 147 474
Worth Colliery Cheshire England List of Mines 1888. MJ 1844 p. 27 475
Wright & Taylor's Colliery Cheshire Holes, Whelley Cheshire England MJ 1852 p. 35 476
Iron Works, Industry (Cheshire) Cheshire England MJ 1845 p. 113 MJ 1850 p. 58 MJ 1871 p. 318 MJ 1874 p. 364, 444 MJ 1876 p. 63 477
Astbury Co. (Iron) Cheshire England MJ shares listed 1886. 478
Brassey and Co., T. Birkenhead Cheshire England MJ 1869 p. 25 479
Crewe Steelworks Cheshire England MJ 1880 p. 75 480