Compiled by Alasdair Neill

Results: 76676

Name Location County/State Country Sources ID
Macclesfield (Collieries) Cheshire England First Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the State and Condition of the Woods, Forests and Land Revenues of the Crown 1787. Parliamentary Papers, p.4. Crown Lands. Returns relating to the Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues of the Crown. Parliamentary Papers 1831, p.18-19. 411
Macclesfield Common Colliery Macclesfield Cheshire England List of Mines ?1852, Reports of Inspectors of Coal Mines. Parliamentary Papers 1854, p.81. Mineral Statistics List of Collieries 1854-1867. 412
Marple Colliery Stockport Cheshire England List of Mines 1886. 413
Mellor Colliery Stockport Cheshire England List of Mines 1883-1884. List of Mines 1886-1887. Mineral Statistics List of Collieries 1872-1874. MJ 1842 p. 241 Reports of the Inspectors of Mines List of Mines 1873-1882. 414
Middlecale Colliery Lyme Handley Cheshire England List of Mines ?1852, Reports of Inspectors of Coal Mines. Parliamentary Papers 1854, p.81. List of Mines 1883-1884. List of Mines 1886-1888. Mineral Statistics List of Collieries 1854-1861. Mineral Statistics List of Collieries 1862-1874. OS 1:2500 map Cheshire (1871, 1896, 1907, 1938). Reports of the Inspectors of Mines List of Mines 1873-1882. Or: Middle Cale Colliery. Middlecale Pit. Middle Call Colliery. 415
Middlewood Colliery Marple Cheshire England List of Mines 1923. OS 1:2500 map Cheshire (1871, 1896, 1907). Or: Middlewood Pit. 416
Moorwood Colliery Furness Vale Cheshire England List of Mines 1923. 417
Moss Pit Church Lawton, & Kidsgrove, Staffordshire Cheshire England See: Moss Pit, Staffordshire. 418
Mount View Colliery Chisworth Cheshire England List of Mines 1938. List of Mines 1945. 419
Nelson Pit Adlington Cheshire England OS 1:2500 map Cheshire (1871, 1896, 1907, 1938). 420