Drift Moor Consols Mine

By December 8, 2017

Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England, Vol. I, p.171.
Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England addenda and corrigenda 1988, Vol. I p.xxii.
Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. iv p.14.
MJ 1852 p.59, 70
MJ shares listed 1852-1853.
Williams, G. 2015. Tin and the Newlyn River. The Journal of the Trevithick Society No.42 p.164, 170-171.
Or: Drift Moor Mine.
See also: Avarack and Nancothan Mines. Wheal Conqueror. Nancothan Mines.

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