Cape Cornwall Mine

By December 8, 2017

Collins p.434.
The Forty-Third Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Woods, Forests, Land Revenues 3rd July 1865. Parliamentary Papers 1865 p.22-23.
Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England, Vol. I, p.33, 65.
Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England addenda and corrigenda 1988 p.xiii.
Joint-Stock Companies. Return of the names, objects, places where business is or was conducted, date of Registration… of all Joint Stock Companies formed or registered since the passing of the Act 18 & 19 Vict. C. 133. 1864 Parliamentary Papers 1864 p.240.
Kelly’s Directory 1873 Mines now being worked.
List of Mines 1864-1874.
MJ 1836 vol. iii p.65, 105.
MJ 1837 vol. v p.17, 96.
MJ 1846 p.160.
MJ 1865 p.5
MJ 1867 p.6, 22
MJ 1868 p.6, 26, 42, 62, 78, 98, 118, 137, 154, 173, 190, 210, 226, 246, 266, 286
MJ 1869 p.6, 26, 42, 62, 78, 94, 114
MJ 1870 p.68, 105, 125
MJ 1871 p.5, 26, 65, 86, 154, 173, 217, 241, 286, 330, 374, 469, 493, 514, 562
MJ 1872 p.5, 29, 54, 73, 97, 145, 169
MJ 1873 p.33, 61, 89, 113
MJ 1880 p.11, 39
MJ shares listed 1868-1869.
MJ shares listed 1871
National Archives: BT286/49.
National Archives: CRES 37/20-21.
Noall, C. 1973. The St Just Mining District. D. Bradford Barton, Monographs on Metalliferous Mining History Volume Five. P.8-9, 84-87, 102, 163-169, 173, 177.
Reports of the Inspectors of Mines List of Mines 1873-1874.
T. Spargo 1872 The Tin Mines of Cornwall, Their Present Position and Prospects. P.55.
Stannaries. Return of all mines within the Stannaries of Cornwall and Devon registered as Joint Stock Companies in each year.. From the passing of the Joint Stock Companies Act (1844) to the 31st day of December 1868. Parliamentary Papers 1868-1869 p.3.
Von Arx, R., 1991. A Glimpse at Cape Cornwall Mine. Northern Mine Research Society, Memoirs 1991 British Mining Vol. 43 p.43-46.
Or: Cape Cornwall Saint Just Consolidated Tin and Copper Mining Co. Ltd.
See also: St Just United Mines.

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