UK Coal Mining Accidents and Deaths 1900-1991 (1500-1899 coming shortly)

This database was compiled from data supplied mainly by Ian Winstanley, with additions from Ray Lawrence, NMRS Records and others


This work stands as a testament to the men, women and children who worked the mines of Great Britain and to their families.
The work created a bond of trust and loyalty amongst them and a band of comradeship that forged the communities in which they lived and worked. It is a record of the true price of coal.
Ian Winstanley 2023

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SurnameForenameYearAgeMine/Quarry NameLocationOccupationRecord ID
WILLIAMS Clarence 1951 20 Oakdale Oakdale Assistant Repairer 82560
WESTON Clarence 1941 20 New Haden Cheadle Electrician 81202
SILCOCK Clarence 1938 42 Markham No.1 [Blackshale Pit] Duckmanton Ripper 70821
RICHARDS Clarence 1974 61 Rocks Quarry Bugle Shunter 65411
POGUE Clarence 1923 17 Medomsley Medomsley Shaft Lad 61896
HILL Clarence 1938 29 Markham No.1 [Blackshale Pit] Duckmanton Belt Hand 33899
HAYES Clarence 1910 16 North Gawber Gawber Engine Lad 32509
HAYES Clarence 1910 16 North Gawber Gawber 32510
CUFF Clarence 1905 21 Sandford Hill Quarry Sandford Horse driver 14217
CHEETHAM Clarence 1912 22 Howley Park Morley Sawyer 11041
BRIGGS Clarence 1973 52 Markham No.2 Duckmanton Deputy 7397