UK Coal Mining Accidents and Deaths 1900-1991 (1500-1899 coming shortly)

This database was compiled from data supplied mainly by Ian Winstanley, with additions from Ray Lawrence, NMRS Records and others


This work stands as a testament to the men, women and children who worked the mines of Great Britain and to their families.
The work created a bond of trust and loyalty amongst them and a band of comradeship that forged the communities in which they lived and worked. It is a record of the true price of coal.
Ian Winstanley 2023

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SurnameForenameYearAgeMine/Quarry NameLocationOccupationRecord ID
WILLIAMS Allen (injured) 1930 23 Llay Main Llay Haulage Hand 82473
WILLIAMS David (injured) 1929 42 Brynamman Brynamman Collier 82729
WILLIAMS Evan (injured) 1930 37 Brynteg Seven Sisters Haulier 82985
WILLIAMS Hugh 1904 56 Hills' Plymouth Mason 83241
WILLIAMS John 1921 48 Gatewen Wrexham Contractor 83497
WILLIAMS Lewis (injured) 1947 51 Gwaun-Cae-Gurwen, Steer Pit Gwaun-Cae-Gurwen Haulier 83753
WILLIAMS Richard John 1928 17 Ponthenry Pont-Henri Helper 84009
WILLIAMS Thomas (injured) 1918 37 Oak Hollinwood Miner 84265
WILLIAMS William 1947 51 Pensford Stanton Drew Examiner 84521
WILLIAMS Andrew 1903 47 Thornley New Thornley Waggonway Man 82474
WILLIAMS David (injured) 1929 44 Lucy Thomas Abercanaid Journey Attendant 82730
WILLIAMS Evan (injured) 1930 15 Cambrian, No.3 Clydach Vale Collier’s Assistant 82986
WILLIAMS Hugh 1912 38 Ferndale, No.9 Ferndale Repairer 83242
WILLIAMS John 1925 56 Mynydd Newydd Fforest Fach Repairer 83498
WILLIAMS Lewis (injured) 1957 36 Britannic Gilfach Goch Repairer 83754
WILLIAMS Richard John 1960 51 Arail Griffin, Six Bells Abertillery General Worker 84010
WILLIAMS Thomas (injured) 1920 54 Point of Ayr Ffynnongroyw Collier 84266
WILLIAMS William 1948 50 Caerau Caerau Rider 84522
WILLIAMS Andrew (injured) 1949 33 Caerau Caerau Collier 82475
WILLIAMS David (injured) 1930 Lea Green St Helens 82731
WILLIAMS Evan (injured) 1937 42 Britannic Gilfach Goch Collier 82987
WILLIAMS Hugh 1913 40 Penrhyn Quarry Bethesda Hardrockman 83243
WILLIAMS John 1925 35 Penrhyn Quarry Bethesda Quarryman 83499
WILLIAMS Lewis A. (injured) 1929 45 Deep Navigation Treharris Collier 83755
WILLIAMS Richard Jones (injured) 1944 35 Onllwyn, No.3 Onllwyn Collier 84011