UK Coal Mining Accidents and Deaths 1900-1991 (1500-1899 coming shortly)

This database was compiled from data supplied mainly by Ian Winstanley, with additions from Ray Lawrence, NMRS Records and others


This work stands as a testament to the men, women and children who worked the mines of Great Britain and to their families.
The work created a bond of trust and loyalty amongst them and a band of comradeship that forged the communities in which they lived and worked. It is a record of the true price of coal.
Ian Winstanley 2023

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SurnameForenameYearAgeMine/Quarry NameLocationOccupationRecord ID
WILLIAMS Edward (injured) 1932 66 Llanbradach, No.2 Llanbradach Collier 82890
WILLIAMS Gwilym (injured) 1948 63 Tower Hirwaun Fireman 83146
WILLIAMS James 1925 51 Desmond Pantygasseg Roadman 83402
WILLIAMS John Richard (injured) 1938 33 Penmaenmawr Quarry Penmaenmawr Rockman 83658
WILLIAMS R.O. (injured) 1912 45 Resolven Resolven Smith 83914
WILLIAMS T.F. 1935 20 Thornley New Thornley Datal 84170
WILLIAMS W.H. (injured) 1933 38 Llay Main Llay Collier 84426
WILLIAMS William John 1902 14 Western Nantymoel Door Boy 84682
WILLIAMS Daniel (injured) 1924 71 Wynnstay Ruabon Fireman 82635
WILLIAMS Edward (injured) 1932 51 Patch Rock Resolven Collier 82891
WILLIAMS Gwilym M. 1916 17 Hafod Ruabon Pony Driver 83147
WILLIAMS James 1930 28 Gilmerton Gilmerton 83403
WILLIAMS John Rowland 1902 56 Dinorwic Quarry Llanberis Slate Getter 83659
WILLIAMS R.R. (injured) 1914 54 Penrhyn Quarry Bethesda Quarryman 83915
WILLIAMS T.G. (Injured) 1919 24 Levant Pendeen 84171
WILLIAMS W.H. (injured) 1940 62 Pen-y-bont Quarry Cefn-mawr Labourer 84427
WILLIAMS William John 1914 38 Broad Oak Loughor Collier 84683
WILLIAMS Daniel (injured) 1925 19 Nantwen Bedlinog Assistant Collier 82636
WILLIAMS Edward (injured) 1933 36 Dowlais Cardiff Abercynon Day Haulier 82892
WILLIAMS Gwilyne (injured) 1926 49 Llwyn-gwern Quarry Llanwrin Crane Driver 83148
WILLIAMS James 1934 66 Gresford Wrexham Repairer 83404
WILLIAMS John S. (injured) 1932 47 Lady Windsor Ynysybwl Machine Engineman 83660
WILLIAMS R.R. (injured) 1918 47 Pen-yr-orsedd Quarry Nantlle Slatemaker 83916
WILLIAMS T.G. (injured) 1952 64 Ogilvie Deri Labourer 84172
WILLIAMS W.H. (injured) 1957 58 Llay Main Llay Haulage Hand 84428