Accident & Disasters Reports 1658-1979, provided by Ian Winstanley and the Coal Mining History Resource Centre, have been added to the website. While there are around 740 of these, they are not a complete list. Each report, created from various sources like the official report, articles in the Colliery Guardian, and local newspapers, can be anything from a few lines to a few hundred lines, and some even more.
Most of the reports relate to coal mines, but there are some relating to metalliferous mines, mainly in Cornwall and even a couple for quarries. Most contain lists of names of those who died, and sometimes those who were injured.
It’s not all gloom and doom, however (although there can be some quite gory descriptions), the reports generally start with a description of the mine – shafts, seams worked, and a description of the workings themselves relating to the incident.
Also from Ian Winstanley – Special Rules of some of the Lancashire, Cheshire & North Wales Collieries 1855.