Hendra Mine

By December 8, 2017

Bennett, T. 2015. Great Wheal Vor A study of the history and working of one of the richest tin mines in Cornwall. The Trevithick Society. p.389.
Cornwall Record Office RG/122-123
Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England, Vol. I, p.239.
Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England addenda and corrigenda, 1988, Vol. I p.xxix.
Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. 1962. Mines & Miners of Cornwall iv. Penzance – Mount’s Bay. Truro Bookshop Truro p.47-48.
MJ 1861 p.57
List of Mines 1912.
Western Morning News 23.1.1861
Or: Wheal Hendra.
See also: Wheal Joan. New Hendra Mine. Praa Syndicate.

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