Burrow & Butson Mines

By December 8, 2017

Collins p.430-431.
Cornish Telegraph 13.1.1875
Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England, Vol. I, p.43, 491, 493-495.
Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England addenda and corrigenda, 1988, Vol. I p.xlviii-xlix.
Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. Mines & Miners of Cornwall vol. ii p.18-21
Joint-Stock Companies. Return of the names, objects, places where business is or was conducted, … of all Joint Stock Companies formed since the
1st day of June 1872 to the 31st December 1873. Parliamentary Papers 1874 p.89.
Kelly’s Directory 1873 Mines now being worked.
List of Mines 1872-1874.
Mineral Statistics 1873-1874.
MJ 1871 p.240, 246, 258, 265, 282, 288, 302, 309, 327, 332, 351, 394, 394, 400, 419, 419, 424, 443, 448
MJ 1871 p.370, 447
MJ 1873 p.64
MJ 1873 p.5, 8, 19, 36, 61, 64, 89, 92, 113, 141, 144
MJ 1874 p.5, 33, 61, 90, 113, 141, 169, 172, 173, 194, 201, 209, 221, 249, 252, 278, 305, 330, 330, 358, 382, 410, 436, 438, 466, 494, 522
MJ 1875 p.34, 82, 138, 194
MJ 1876 p.74, 127, 152, 224, 232, 449
MJ 1876 p.287, 318, 365
MJ 1877 p.130
MJ 1878 p.149, 184, 212
MJ shares listed 1873-1876.
MJ share lists 1873-1876
National Archives: BT286/284. C16/992/B315.
Reports of the Inspectors of Mines List of Mines 1873-1876.
Western Daily Mercury 23.2.1876
Western Morning News 23.2.1876
Or: Wheal Burrow and Butson. Burrow and Butson Mining Co. Ltd. Burrow and Butson Consolidated Mining Company
See also: Wheal Burrow. Wheal Butson. Wheal Davey. North Consolidated Mines. United Mines North.

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