Basset Mines Ltd

By December 8, 2017

Collins p.408-409
Hamilton Jenkin, A.K. 1965. Mines and Miners of Cornwall x. Camborne and Illogan. Truro
Bookshop Truro p.49.
List of Mines 1896-1898,1900-1901.
List of Mines 1918
London Gazette 1921 p.4949.
Meyerstein, E.W. 1907. A Key to Cornish Mining. The Mining Journal. p.64-65.
MJ 1910 p.13, 277, 564-565, 684
MJ 1914 p.355, 812. 1916 p.276
MM vol. I p.152,156,198, 294.
MM vol. II p.31,114,195.
MM vol. III p.134, 429.
MM vol. IV p.271.
MM vol. V p.351-352.
The Mining Manual 1911 by Walter R. Skinner p.608.
National Archives: BT31/15559/46500. BT34/2724/46500.
Palmer, M. & Neaverson, P. 1987. The Basset Mines their History & Industrial Archaeology. Monograph of the Northern Mine Research Society, British Mining No.32. 68pp.
Records of London and Westcountry Chamber of Mines Vol. 1 1901-1903 p.31-32, 45, 86,105,115,132,135-136,148,193.
Records of London and Westcountry Chamber of Mines Vol. II 1904-1908 p.11,13, 25, 32, 34, 37, 67, 86,110,114-115.
Register of Defunct Companies 1990 p.48, 461, 536.
Report of H.M. Inspector of Mines for the South-Western District for the Year 1898 p.47, 55.
Report of H.M. Inspector of Mines for the South-Western District for the Year 1899 p.52.
Report of H.M.Inspector of Mines 1900 p.53-54.
Reports of H.M. Inspector of Mines for the Southern District for the Year 1909 p.30.
Reports of H.M. Inspector of Mines for the Midland and South Division 1910 p.57, 57.
Stevens, H.J, 1903. The Copper Handbook: A Manual of the Copper Industry of the World Vol. III for the Year 1902 p.198.
Times 2.11.1896. 15.2.1897. 22.2.1898. 12.8.1899. 14.8.1899. 16.1.1907. 14.2.1907. 18.3.1908. 8.3.1911. 21.5.1913. 6.5.1917.
Vernon, R. 2010. Hathorn Davey and Company, Limited, Leeds: 50 Years of Mining History, Proceedings of the NMRS 50-year Anniversary Conference, Reeth, 1-3 October 2010. British Mining No.90. Northern Mine Research Society p.141-160.
Westlake & Laws, 1910. Devon & Cornwall Handbook of Mines. Plymouth, p.32-33.
See also: Wheal Basset. South Frances United Mines.

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