Bal (Whl)

By December 8, 2017

Collins p.406
Dines, H.G. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England, Vol. I, p.33, 72
Joseph, P. 2012. The Arsenic Industry at Botallack Mine, Cornwall: A Story of Early 20th Century Adaptive Re-use. Northern Mine Research Society. Memoirs 2012, British Mining No. 93, p.51.
Kelly’s Directory 1856 Cornish & Devonshire Mines.
List of Mines 1859-1861.
List of Mines 1863-1864.
Mineral Statistics 1852,1855-1857.
MJ 1847 p.161,198, 222, 236, 312.
MJ 1848 p.9, 62
MJ 1849 p.36
MJ 1850 p.103,138, 211
MJ 1852 p.18
MJ shares listed 1847-1853.
Noall, C. 1973. The St Just Mining District. D. Bradford Barton, Monographs on Metalliferous Mining History Volume Five. p.8-9, 36-37,100,177.
Or: Wheal Bal Mining CO. Wheal Ball.
See also: Little Bal Mine.

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