Swansea Valley c12008

The main slants, Nos. 1 and 2, were located at 754122, at 754123, the North level at 755127 and the drift at 753119. These levels were opened pre 1850 and owned in 1860 by the Cardiff Company and in 1893/1908 by the Ystradowen Colliery Company of Swansea and employed 52 men underground and 18 men on the surface. The manager was Herbert Griffiths.

In the 1890s, the Peacock (Brass) Vein was working by the pillar & stall method of coal extraction with ventilation by 15 feet diameter fan. It was closed in 1896 and re-opened in 1902. It was owned in 1913 by the New Ystradowen Colliery Company of Exchange Buildings, Swansea and employed 250 men in that year with the manager being A. Lloyd. By 1917 it was in the hands of Daniel Richards who was not a member of the Monmouthshire and South Wales Coal Owners Association and by 1918 only employed 8 men. In 1925 it was owned by the Cwmllynfell Anthracite Collieries Limited. Ystrad Owen Colliery was closed by Henderson’s Welsh Anthracite Collieries Limited prior to 1932.

The Old Ystradowen abandoned the Brass Vein prior to 1873. The Ystradowen, Felin Fach abandoned the Brass Vein in June 1896, while the Nos. 1 & 2 abandoned the Lower Seam in July 1912 but probably continued to work the Brass Vein.

Some statistics:

  • 1902: Manpower: 60.
  • 1903: Manpower: 87.
  • 1905: Manpower: 20.
  • 1908: Manpower: 70.
  • 1909: Manpower: 70.
  • 1910: Manpower: 25.
  • 1911: Manpower: 57.
  • 1912: Manpower: 89.
  • 1918: Manpower: 8.

Information supplied by Ray Lawrence and used here with his permission.

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