This pit was sunk in c1850 by Thomas Powell and together with the Cwmpennar Lower (Duffryn) Pit. The first coal was raised in 1854.

An article from the Liverpool Mercury of Wednesday, August the 12th 1863

One day last week, as Mr. Bruce, M.P., Mrs. Bruce, their eldest son, and their guest, Countess Teleki (daughter of the late Lord Langdale), were exploring the workings of the Cwm Pennar Colliery, near Duffryn, part of the roof fell in not far from them, killing one collier, a man aged 60, and breaking the arm of another, and a leg of a third. The accident caused much consternation amongst the visitors, who were, however, out of reach of the fall.

It is said that they didn’t bother to report the names of the injured and dead colliers.

On the 20th of October 1865, Evan Price, aged only 17 years, and a collier, was killed under a fall of the roof, the following day, the 21st of October, John Jenkins, aged 60 years, and a labourer, was run over and killed by trams. On the 30th of December 1871, John Griffiths, aged 37 years, and a labourer, was also run over and killed by trams.

The Western Mailon the 15th of September 1877 reported that in May of that year, Powell Duffryn had closed the Upper Colliery and double shifted the Lower pits, the new system cost 2/6d a ton more than it should have and was abandoned. The Lower Pit was then partially closed and the Upper Pit re-opened with fewer men, however, Powell Duffryn promised to reemploy the old workforce before taking on outsiders.

It was finally closed in 1927.


Information supplied by Ray Lawrence and used here with his permission.

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