FIVEWAYS. Cladey, Worcestershire. 10th. July, 1851.

The colliery was the property of Mr. George Dudley. Safety lamps were used to test for gas but an explosion took place in which four lost their lives and five later died from the injuries they received.

Those who last their lives were:

  • David Holt,
  • Harry Cartwright,
  • George Shaw,
  • David Worrall,
  • John Holt,
  • Two boys,
  • Smith,
  • Joshua Perry
  • Two whose names were not recorded.

The inquest was held at the Swan Inn, Netherton when a verdict of “Accidental Death” was recorded with a rider that the explosion was caused by the culpable negligence of the doggy.


The Mining Journal, 12th July 1951.

Information supplied by Ian Winstanley and the Coal Mining History Resource Centre.

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