Ewan Tulloch died in Southern Rhodesia on 31st December, 1952, at the age of 64.

He was a student at the Royal School of Mines from 1906 to 1909 and gained the A.R.S.M. in mining. He assisted Mr. W.F.H. Dudgeon, consulting engineer to The Consolidated Goldfields of South Africa, Ltd., for a few months before leaving England in January, 1910, on being appointed assayer and surveyor at the Bell mine, Que Que, of Goldfields Rhodesian Development Co., Ltd. He was head surveyor at Giant Mines of Rhodesia, Ltd., for a brief period, and in January, 1911, took up the post of head surveyor at Golden Kopje Proprietary Mines, Ltd.

He left in February, 1915, to join H.M. Forces. He was commissioned to the Royal Engineers, subsequently serving with 175 Tunnelling Coy. with the rank of captain, and in 1916 was promoted major and given command of 185 Tunnelling Coy. which he held for three years. He was four times Mentioned in Despatches and his service earned him the D.S.O. and M.C.

On demobilization Major Tulloch rejoined Goldfields Rhodesian Development Co., Ltd., as head surveyor of Falcon Mines, Ltd., and until 1924 was also reporting on various concessions and mining properties on the Gold Coast. In 1927 he attended the Second Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress in Canada, and from 1928 to 1929 carried out a geological reconnaissance in Tati Territory, Bechuanaland.

He was appointed Government Mining Engineer and Inspector of Mines for the Southern Rhodesian Government in 1929, and held this post for five years until 1934, when he became chief representative and resident engineer of Goldfields Rhodesian Development Co., Ltd., at Bulawayo. He retired in 1950 owing to ill health. He had twice held the presidency of the Chamber of Mines of Rhodesia, in 1942-43 and 1943-44; he was Chairman of Motapa Gold Mines, Ltd., from 1947 to 1950.

During the 1939-1945 war ‘Major’ Tulloch (as he was invariably called) served in the capacity of District Commandant, Southern Rhodesian Defence Force. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel in the Rhodesian Territorial Forces in 1948 in recognition of the services he had rendered over a long period.

Major Tulloch was elected to Studentship of the Institution in 1907 and transferred to Associate Membership in 1913 and to Membership in 1936. He served as Member of Council for Rhodesia from 1940 to 1943. He was one of the inaugural members of the Southern Rhodesian Local Association of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, and was for many years the Association’s honorary treasurer.

Vol. 62, Trans IMM 1952-53, pp.475-76

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