Reginald Grylls Thomas died at Wamba in Northern Nigeria on December 22nd, 1916, aged 46 years.

He received his technical training at Redruth Science School, and in 1891 went to South Africa, where for three years he was engaged in contract work with the Nigel Gold Mining Co., on the Rand goldfields. From 1894 to 1905 he was mine foreman to the Henry Nourse Gold Mining Co.; and he held the same position with the Nourse Mines, Ltd., from 1905 to 1910. In 1905, Mr. Thomas obtained the Transvaal Mine Manager’s Certificate.

On leaving the Witwatersrand, he preceded to West Africa and for some months held an appointment with the Prestea Block ‘A’ Gold Mining Co. on the Gold Coast. He then came to England and took up his residence at Bedford; and finally turned his attention to tin mining in Northern Nigeria, whither he went in 1913, and again, after an interval of about two years, in 1916. He had been in Nigeria about eight months when his death occurred on the date mentioned above.

Mr. Thomas was elected an Associate of the Institution in 1909.

Vol. 26, Trans IMM 1916-17, pp.279-80

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