Jenkin Owen Howells died on 11th November, 1950, at the age of 52.
He was born in Wales and worked in various Welsh collieries before entering the Mining Department of the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff. He studied there from 1920 to 1924, and graduated with the B.Sc. degree in mining of the University of Wales and the Diploma of University College in metalliferous mining.
In July, 1924, he went to Canada as the holder of a British Association Scholarship, to study mining methods. He worked for some months at McIntyre Porcupine gold mines, N. Ontario, and at Crow’s Nest Pass collieries, British Columbia. In 1926 he was appointed Head of the Geology and Prospecting Department of the Provincial Institute of Technology and Art, Calgary, affiliated with the University of Alberta. His work there occupied seven months in each year, and in the remaining five months he was engaged on professional work in British Columbia and Northwest Territories.
Since June, 1934, he had managed mines for Osoyoos Mines of Canada, Ltd., British Columbia, at the same time holding the appointment of consulting engineer to Northern Syndicate, Ltd. He had been on a visit to Carbon River to sample coal deposits for the Burn Foundation Co. and was returning in October, 1950, when he fell from his horse, receiving injuries from which he died a month later.
Mr. Howells was elected to Membership of the Institution in 1941.
Vol. 60, Trans IMM 1950-51, p.200