Herbert Thomas Burls died in London, on April 13th, 1924.

In 1874 he entered the Royal College of Chemistry, and the Royal School of Mines, and on the completion of his course was engaged for a short period on mines in Durham and Cornwall.

In 1880 he went to Dutch Guiana for four years, after which he had a two-years’ engagement as scientific explorer to H.H. Rajah Brook of Sarawak. During 1887 he was inspecting cinnabar and cobalt properties in Spain, and in the following year he went to South Africa, where he remained for about ten year’s.

From 1897 onwards he became particularly identified with the petroleum industry, and in that connexion visited all the known oilfields throughout the world. He also took considerable interest in the development of oil shales.

Mr. Burls was elected a Member of the Institution in 1908.

Vol. 34, Trans I.M.M. 1924-25, p. 563


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