Workington Colliery

By December 8, 2017

Coal Mines. Reports of Inspectors of Coal Mines, to Her Majesty’s Secretary of State. Parliamentary Papers 1854, p.28, 28.
Coal Mines. Reports of Inspectors of Coal Mines, to Her Majesty’s Secretary of State. Parliamentary Papers 1854-1855, p.6.
Hill, A., 2012. Coal a chronology for Britain. A Monograph of the Northern Mine Research Society, British Mining No.94, p.95.
Mineral Statistics List of Collieries 1854-1874.
MJ 1840, p.381.
MJ 1846, p.154, 166.
MJ 1847, p.262
MJ 1850, p.105, 117
MJ 1874, p.243, 299, 350, 403, 459, 515
National Archives: CRES 37/482, 833-834, 858, 883, 986, 1096, 1142, 1231.
Reports of the Inspectors of Mines List of Mines 1873-1877.
Or: Workington Collieries Company.

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