Northern Mine Research Society
Registered Charity 326704
Non Ferrous Mining in the British Isles
map of metalliferous mining areas in the UK A - Cornwall & Devon B - Mendips C - Shropshire D - Alderley Edge E - Peak District F - Mid Pennines G - North Pennines H - Lake District I - Isle of Man K - North Wales M - Central Wales N - Dolaucothi O - South-West Scotland P - Leadhills & Wanlockhead Q - Tyndrum R - Strontian S - Baile An Or A - Cornwall & Devon B - Mendips C - Shropshire D - Alderley Edge E - Peak District F - Mid Pennines G - North Pennines H - Lake District I - Isle of Man K - North Wales M - Central Wales N - Dolaucothi O - South-West Scotland P - Leadhills & Wanlockhead Q - Tyndrum R - Strontian S - Baile An Or Conlig & Whitespots Berehaven 1 2 3 6 6 Silvermines 7 8 Ballycorus

This is an interactive map, point to and click on an area with your mouse to be taken to a larger scale map of that area

See also our online mapping of UK non ferrous mines

The symbols of the map refer to the major metals worked there

Au - Gold Ba - Barytes (a mineral, not a metal) Cu - Copper Fe - Iron
Mn - Manganese Pb - Lead Sn - Tin Zn - Zinc

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